Fuel Firing System complete (Power Boilers, Industrial Boilers and Furnace).
Flame Scanner (All type of Boilers/Furnace) (NFPA 8502)
- Flame Scanner Upgradation KIT
- Microcontroller based Flame Scanner (Oil and Coal).
- Microprocessor based Flame Scanner (Oil and coal).
- Flame Scanner for Gas
- UV tube Flame Scanner
- Flame Scanner Calibration Kit
- Flame Scanner Cards Test Kit
- All Spares for Flame Scanners
- Swivel type Flame Scanner
Ignition Systems (All type of Boilers/Furnace) (NFPA 8502)(CLASS I,II,III)
- High Energy Ignition system and Spares (DC) [12-24 Joules)
- AC type Ignitor with Spark Plug & IFM
- Pilot Gas Ignitor assembly (AC/DC, IFM) [1KW upto 5MW]
- Swivel type Ignitor mounting available.
- Remote Ignition System for Gas [IOCL, ONGC, Gas Area IIA, IIB & Zone 1&2]
- Portable Ignitor [Battery Operated]
Gas Burners (All type of Boilers/Furnace)(Premixed, Partially Premixed, Diffusion type)
- GAS Burners from 5KW till 5MW.
- GAS Burners Flexible type ±30°.
- Swivel type Gas Burners. (IFM/View Glass/AC Ignitor/DC Ignitor).
Air Cooled Oil Burner/Gun Assembly (All type of Boilers/Furnace) (Parallel & Concentric type)
- Flexible type from ±30° (Rating as required)
- Rigid type Oil Burner (Rating as required)
- Complete spares for Oil Gun/Burners.
Fuel Handling System (Boilers/Multiple Burners/Furnace)(NFPA 8502)
- Prefab main Oil Station Skid Assembly (LDO, HFO)
- Prefab Main Station Skid Assembly (STEAM, AIR)
- Prefab Corner Skid Assembly (LDO, HFO, STEAM, AIR)
- Prefab Burner Skid Assembly (LDO, HFO, STEAM, AIR)
- Prefab Main gas Main S5 Skid Assembly (ANY GAS)
- Prefab Gas Train Skid Assembly (As per NFPA/NON NFPA)
DCS/PLC based Systems on Turnkey Basis (ABB/YIL/Siemens/Emerson)
- Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System (FSSS) Complete.
- Burner Management System including Field instruments.
- RE-Heater Steam Temperature Control system Complete.
- Secondary Air Damper Control System with Dampers & Controls.
Fuel Firing, Piping, Valves & Instruments Gas ConversionTOTAL System For Boilers. Dampers, Guillotine Gates And Diverters. Scanner Cooling Air Fan system with AC/DC Fans with AC/DC Starter Box. Pneumatic Conversion of Hydramotor Burner Valve Assembly complete.